Some reports say the suspect bought an AR-15 and 2,000 rounds of ammunition *this morning*.
Thank G-d the Supreme Court decided background checks and waiting periods were a “violation of the right to bear arms.”
#gunviolence: it’s as American as Apple pie.
Look on the bright side — those dead kids and their dead teachers in GA? Yesterdays news. Literally.
You’ll forget all about them on no time!
Just another tragedy that happened to someone else, somewhere else.
@Dhmspector the proper question for the court is one they have dealt with before: do students have the same rights as adults? Years ago they ruled on the free speech aspect of that question. Now they need to do guns.
@timo21 tbh — the Supreme Court has made it clear that gun violence is the price we pay for the 2nd amendment.
No amount of logic changes them.
In fact, this term the right wingers went so far as to override Congress and make machine guns effectively legal by redefining what a machine gun is. Literally. The 2nd amendment is the most important right according to the court.
"Our well regulated militia is killing our children, at will."
@Dhmspector @timo21 tbh, when common people stood on the public street outside of the private houses of SCOTUS, we immediately got new laws to limit the 1st Amendment because the people were making them FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE.
While I have no proof, I feel certain that if people with guns made SCOTUS FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE, we'd get new laws to limit the 2nd Amendment.
@grumble209 @timo21 we already have those laws. And they’re used whenever non right wingers carry in public near public buildings or near public officials. See Gov Ronald Reagan, Oakland, and the Black Panthers in 1968, and many other incidents since.
@Dhmspector @timo21 Making the goobers in Sacramento uncomfortable in 1968 was good start.
But the goobers in DC in 2024 seem not at all uncomfortable, compared to, say, parents of public school kids everywhere.
Get to it, friends.
@timo21 @Dhmspector I saw a suggestion that gun owners be required to carry insurance, sufficient to cover damages related to accidents. This would, the proponent said, “ruin the gun industry, just as insurance has ruined the health sector.” As a Canadian I can’t comment. I don’t know your health /insurance situation. But surely, if you require auto insurance then gun insurance makes sense. #GunViolence
@hanspetermeyer @timo21
SCOTUS would never, ever, under any circumstances allow such a law to stand. Because the 2nd Amendment is a right, not a privilege it’s not possible to regulate in that way.
And, frankly, they’d be right to block it.
The real solution is the application of the correct textual interpretation of the 2A or its repeal.