White and Latino men reelect Trump
21 mn voters don't show up anymore
"Remember that
feeling you got when
the second plane hit
the twin towers and
you realized what was
going on?
You should have that
same feeling again
right now."
2nd #TrumpPresidency
There is no disrespect intended and, as I have been writing for months, this election will be a great deal worse than 9/11. (And I write this completely aware how devastating it was for the US, Iraq, Afghanistan, and other countries.)
This is true not only for the US, but also for the globe, politically, militarily, and climatologically.
Probably the first to feel the consequences will be the brave #Ukrainian people....
...#Trump has vowed to bring about "peace" within a day..
The next people to feel his wrath are on a pre-compiled black list by an absolute pro:
"#IvanRaiklin served as a Green Beret Commander countering ISIS in the Middle East, Taliban in Afghanistan, MS-13 in Central America, countering Russian aggression as a military diplomat in the Republic of Georgia. He Served 25 years in the DOD, Intel and Special Operations Communities and...."
...and then, there will be the thousands of pregnant women that have medical difficulties, when a #NationalAbortionBan is enacted:
via #NBC
"A dramatic rise in pregnant women dying in Texas after abortion ban
Exclusive analysis finds the rate of maternal deaths in Texas increased 56% from 2019 to 2022, compared with just 11% nationwide during the same time period."
(this just as one example)
2nd #TrumpPresidency
The list, in fact, is so long, it is hard to decide where to start.
Gender-afirming care in particular and the LGBTQIA+community, who has been on the run, when financially feasible, from Red States for some years now will be another focus point of the 2nd Trump presidency.
Well, and to get back to @theothersimo's point, the #climatecrisis
The Zurich insurance considers the posibility of 1.2 bn...
@kaia @VeroniqueB99 @theothersimo
2nd #TrumpPresidency
...#ClimateRefugees by 2050 1), an #UN estimate I saw last year estimated 300 mn to 2 bn, depending on the #ClimateChange scenario, whereas we can probably all agree here that even before #Trump's reelection, the likelyhood of the 1.5 degrees celsius scenario (300 mn. displaced) has not been likely for many months.
As. Prof. #StefanRahmstorf
from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (#PIK) put it yesterday:
@kaia @VeroniqueB99 @theothersimo
2nd #TrumpPresidency
..."A few thousand voters in US swing states could leave a long-lasting mark on Earth's climate today. For thousands of years.