So, US CDC says Long Covid is declining, the disease is no longer a Bio Hazard 3, to justify reducing isolation times - when their own published data refutes that claim (LC is climbing)
This is just like Dr. Henry in British Columbia claiming kids don't spread Covid, schools are safe, then conducts a study which proudly proclaims 83% of kids got infected
And everyone is worried now about that 'persistent cough'?
Mat you are completely correct.
CDC downgraded SARS-CoV-2 from level 5 (Polio like hazard) to level 2 (Flu like) in direct contradiction of the science, apparently in order to support the 'get people back to work' herd immunity and 'pretend it is over' approaches will solve it.
They won't.
What is clear is that the experts have abandoned their professional responsibilities and ethics.
We are on our own to protect ourselves.
Welcome to the beginning of new Dark Age.
I guess the question now is whether our turning from reason and sanity will be for a century or two like early plagues, 12 centuries like the Dark Ages, -- or much longer?
For any of these it won't matter to us, our children, or theirs. The long night begins.
Perhaps this is needed for a few to survive the climate catastrophe.
In a few millenia, will any remember us, or our folly? Or will the whole digital age vanish with the digital ink, leaving only a mystery.
@samohTmaS @MatWright I did a little bit of research into the Black Death. From what I understand, the elites of the time largely absconded to exclusive chateaus in wooded villas and left the cities to fester in squalor and vermin. This is not unlike the little glimpse we got into the #DavosSafe crowd of rich and powerful, sparing no expense to preserve their health, but now a ghost, merely an echo from the past.