What-if battered deep-fried haggis (a chip shop staple) only done a la Chicken Kiev with a delicious goopy melty Fry's Turkish Delight filling? Served with salt'n'sauce on top of a bed of deep fried onion rings ...?
Wouldn't that be SPLENDID?
@cstross haggis burger with cheese and onions rings?
@PaulaMaddox @cstross
Local cafe here sells the "Highlander Burger" - beef burger, haggis, cheese, & onion rings.
Don't have a picture of that one, but here's their "Tower of Power"
Looks impossible to eat.
@PaulaMaddox @cstross
@hobs @PaulaMaddox @cstross
Definitely a fork & knife job, unless you have a detachable jaw.
@HighlandLawyer @PaulaMaddox @cstross Finally, a meal made for mortals, but strong enough for princes of the universe.
@mark @PaulaMaddox @cstross
They say it's not so healthy, but who wants to live forever?
@HighlandLawyer @mark @cstross hmmmm. Now pondering where to get burger shaped haggis.
@PaulaMaddox @mark @cstross
If they don't have haggis slices where you are, you can extract uncooked haggis from its skin, crumble & reshape it into burgers, then grill or fry it.
@HighlandLawyer @mark @cstross good idea. I’ll talk to my local butcher when I go in :)
@HighlandLawyer @PaulaMaddox @cstross Every time I try to order a Highlander Burger they say they're sold out.
Apparently there can be only … I'll get my coat
@HighlandLawyer @PaulaMaddox @cstross This makes me think of the sadly defunct website thisiswhyyourefat.com — example archived page at https://web.archive.org/web/20100821112202/http://www.thisiswhyyourefat.com/?p=998
@HighlandLawyer @PaulaMaddox @cstross „Let me quickly unhinge my jaws“. How tf is anyone supposed to eat that and if I have to take it apart anyway why didn’t they serve it that way? Jeeesus.
@HighlandLawyer @cstross OMG so jealous!
@HighlandLawyer @PaulaMaddox @cstross
Now I am having Bad Thoughts about the jaw structure needed to eat such a thing.
@SoftwareTheron @HighlandLawyer @PaulaMaddox BRB, just got to go and hastily write new non-fiction book, title COOKING FOR MEDUSA
@HighlandLawyer @PaulaMaddox @cstross
Planning a trip to Scotland this year, I need to know where this is. For... educational purposes.