@Beachbum @HistoPol @VeroniqueB99 Either the current gov does everything imaginable about that scenario which is 100% precise, or the orbanization of the US is inevitable. No checks, no balances, no correct data, no free media (hell, there wasn't any since its all bilionaire's times, -post and -news) , no independent judicial system, no resistance. The result of this is much worse than the first 4 years of Trump.
@Beachbum @HistoPol @VeroniqueB99 In my mind, there is no doubt the agglomeration of votes has been manipulated (not the voting machines). Indicators: 1) implausible split votes, 2) missing votes (some say up to 22 Mio) - high turnout but less votes 3) massive voter intimidation/purges.
I don't get it Kamala has given in. I hope Biden/Harris are taking decicive action quick.
Otherwise the US dream is over. Forever.
Based on what evidence.
I had a similar gut feeling but about 21m (or more) "disappeared " Dem votes...IDK, that's a lot of "paper".
I only found this:
Not the thing.
However, the "Gleichschaltung der Presse" (streamlining of the media) exercised by the Gestapo and lifted to new levels by Xi through the Great Firewall of China and the censorship department, has already begun happening in Russia, Hungary, and in the US (#BillionaireMedia,) and elsewhere.
I used to like Newsweek a longer time ago, but this?
no, I found this one but it's not the one I saw.