today's heartwarming #inbox:
I just wanted to thank you for curl. I've used it all the time since I started graduate school and throughout my professional life. I was surprised to find out it wasn't a Linux built-in but a separate project! You are the first person I think of when seeing XKCD 2347.
Your software has made my programming life easier in innumerable ways, and
I thought you'd want to hear that. Thanks for making something so great
and supporting it for so long.
@bagder there was a lobsters thread on appreciating software and I was hoping someone would mention curl, maybe that's what prompted the message
+1 on the sentiments - thanks @bagder
@tranzystorek_io @davehay @bagder I think Sweden and Nebraska are both cold places
It's nice of him to have taken the time to write this mail.
It's indeed not something many (including myself) would do.
So, no email, but thank you for curl !
(and same feeling about xkcd)
@bagder curl should really be adopted by GNU core utils.
@Rastal GNU has requirements on participating projects that curl will not accept: its license being the most notable thing. Besides, I see no point in being part of core utils. We are better off completely independent.
@bagder +1 to that! curl is indispensable, and you are a hero!
@bagder I didn’t write that email, but it matches my experience very closely. Thank you for creating and maintaining a tool that makes my job easier and more enjoyable!
@bagder agree with this email 1000% percent