Via @KimTallBear on Bsky, Sandra Harding has died
Prof TallBear shared this oral history:
Peer-to-Peer and the Promise of Internet Equality, Phil Agre, 2003
"The peer-to-peer movement understands that architecture is politics, but it should not assume that architecture is a substitute for politics. Radically improved information and communication technologies do open new possibilities for institutional change. To explore those possibilities, though, technologists will need better ideas about institutions."
Nature reports: "Postdocs and PhD students hit hard by Trump's crackdown on science"
The international academic community is already starting to feel the consequences of Trump's administration This is a really bad sign that society should contrarrest
one of my more idealistic beliefs: #STS can have a unifying, de-radicalizing effect since it takes critiques of science seriously instead of chalking them up to bad education, low aptitude, etc. it's the academic field where a sincere conversation about e.g. #RFK would be most welcome. at its best, it's implicitly anti-shame and pro-civic -- good STS educators don't condescend to 'alternative' thinkers
#philsci, #histsci, and #sts have a vital role to play countering the attacks on science and academia more broadly. And, conversely, in bridging between scientific knowledge production and social and policy considerations.
A really good (academic) book about the complexity and human coordination involved in #NWS weather prediction. This expertise cannot be replaced by AI, private equity, or DOGElings
Masters of Uncertainty by Phaedra Daipha
Marseille: un projet de centre logistique et de data center à Saint-André divise #Marseille #Datacenter #STS #Reseau
There are strong indications that attempts to accelerate medical research on COVID-19 may have in fact slowed down research on the virus.
That is the core insight of a peer-reviewed paper I wrote that just got published in Minerva. The pandemic may be over, but I hope that this paper will prove useful in case of a (not very unlikely) future pandemic.
Groundbreaking study reveals how topology drives complexity in brain, climate, and AI
Study introduces higher-order topological dynamics, unlocking new frontiers in science and technology
Billet d’étape : Donna Haraway – Repenser notre relation au monde à travers les naturecultures
Explorez la pensée révolutionnaire d'Haraway
: Chthulucène et parentés dépareillées Sympoïèse et holobionte Objectivité située et hybridation Naturecultures et acteur-réseau Cyborgs et technologie Activisme repensé Une invitation à repenser notre relation au monde de manière inclusive et interconnectée. #DonnaHaraway #Naturecultures #Chthulucène #Féminisme #STS Donna…
Had my social informatics students read work @pluralistic did with Consumer Reports about social media federation and user rights. Also considering what we can learn about society, technology, and ethics from science fiction.
If anybody is interested in reusing, here's the text of the module. Comments welcome if you plan to use or have used.
SETUP: Students work with this material in collaborative file space
As a group, read these two connected pieces:
1. “Inside the Clock Tower: An Interoperability Story,” a short story by Cory Doctorow, commissioned by Consumer Reports regarding user experiences on social media and how regulatory legislation might affect those experiences -
2. “An Interview with Tech Activist and Author Cory Doctorow,” about the ACCESS Act by Consumer Reports -
Answer these questions as a group in the space below:
1. How can you use our class science fiction readings to connect Doctorow’s assessment of the real social media landscape with his portrayal of a social media landscape in science fiction?
2. How can you use lessons from Kling, Hanson, and Coleman to explain how Doctorow’s actions here are a kind of folksy social informatics?
3. How can you connect Doctorow’s work in both pieces to your understanding of the Mastodon social network?
[New publication]: A Tale of Twin Transitions: How did we come to think that digitization and sustainability go hand in hand.
A chapter I wrote for a Palgrave Handbook is finally out. This is also a modified version in one of my incoming PhD thesis. From 60' economics to today's European taxonomy, I try to trace back the genealogy of ideas that assumed that digitalisation will result in a more sustainable economy.
#STS Scholars for Remote Access and Financial Fair Play!
We call on #ScienceAndTechnologyStudies (@sts) scholars advocating for #RemoteAccess and #Financial #FairPlay to sign this petition.
We demand STS communities to
1. provide remote access, ensure hybrid participation possibilities
2. make costs of future STS conferences& associations transparent.
Now available in its final form: "How Health Promotion prevents itself from tackling health inequalities", in which we grapple with the moral grammar of a field and how it manifests itself and is replicated through the training of generations new Health Promotion scholars. 1/2 #STS
Offre de post-doctorat de 18 mois au @leesu, au sein de l'équipe interdisciplinaire du programme OCAPI.
« Les excrétats humains, des matières (pas) comme les autres ? Transformations sociotechniques et prise en charge des flux de matières organiques urbaines »
Ce postdoc se fera dans le cadre du projet ANR TANGO (Transition de l’assainissement urbain vers une nouvelle gestion de la matière organique).
Plus de détails ici :
I knew, of course, that William Whewell first coined the word “scientist,” but I had no idea that the idea remained so controversial that Nature was still weighing in on the appropriateness of the term at least as late as 1925. #HistSTM #PhilSci #STS
ちまちまサイレントの A20H に挑戦してるけどダブルボスを越えられない #StS