For the past 5 years, every morning I wrote down what song was stuck in my head on a loop when I woke up.
At the end of every year, I have been posting the statistics on my blog. And featuring the top 5 earworms of the year.
Here is this year's post:
Do you also wake up #earworms? Do you tend to write them down? What were yours this year?
I'm pretty sure, for me at least, that dreams have soundtracks.
Which makes sense in a way, so much of how we see and interpret the larger world is through media.
TV, movies, YouTube videos, you name it all have soundtracks.
Your subconscious probably just assumes stories should have soundtracks. And Inserts them.
As far as why you remember them, it's probably the most cohesive thing you could take away from a dream. You know the song, it's recognizable.