Absolute nightmare of an experience at Brussels airport passport control. Likely getting profiled because the birthplace on my French passport says Turkey and the chip isn’t working (which is why I was in the manual control lane to begin with).
The joys of being white passing in racist countries. You’re fine until they see you might be a bit too Brown inside.
Now sitting in a room with other Brown and Black folks, waiting (and they have my passport).
@aral If it's all Turkish people, couldn't it be political rather than racial?
@MisterWanko I’m a French citizen. The two you women at Belgian citizens. Unless Belgium has a political problem with Belgium and France, it’s racial.
I didn’t think this would require clarification.
Could be intel of a poss threat coming from or through Turkey - they don’t normally make that info public
@NAFO5IX @MisterWanko I wondered that too and asked him that directly. He said no, it was because a plane from Turkey had landed at the same time.
@aral it I don't agree with your reasoning or conclusions, so I'll just part ways here.
That was my first thought : something is up and they are on a higher threat level because of it.
Or maybe I’m just naive
Either is possible