@WarnerCrocker Equal opportunity, equality before the law, freedom of and from religion, freedom of speech without hate, civil rights, voting rights, affordable/universal medical, body autonomy, social safety nets, public education, a college education without being indebted for life, the ability to retire instead of working till you drop, the wealthy paying their fair share into the system, citizens before corporations, all BAD if I can’t impose my my personal will on you!
@Huntn00 All BAD even if I can impose I believe is also appropriate.
@WarnerCrocker I was trying to illustrate the ideals that we usually would support in theory, like Democracy, until for some of us, that Democracy prevents us from getting something we want, like imposing our religious views on others or maintaining perceived white privileged. The latter is ironic when it is perceived by working class who are just scrapping by, that skin color should bestow privilege, while their choice of leadership herds them like sheep to be sheared.
@Huntn00 Youd did so and well.