@nixCraft AI generated tutorial
@nixCraft the person who wrote the tutorial forgot that one little detail about the setup that makes all their demo working
Some items in the code are placeholders and don't reflect your environment and you didn't change them yet?
@nixCraft made the AI overlord unhappy
@nixCraft Have you tried turning it off and on again?
@nixCraft dependency issue. Missing 4 bloated python libraries.
@nixCraft yes. Author's superficiality and software changing too fast.
@nixCraft smart quotes.
@nixCraft I had this happen with one of the early examples in Programming Perl (O'Reilly).
It failed on multiple systems with the examples from both the second and third editions.
I gave up on Perl completely after that.
@nixCraft Reminds me of the time, when I tried to learn Ruby + RoR. I would get up to some point in the tutorial, then error, then searching around for clues how to solve the error, getting a bit further, but ultimately my state and the state in the tutorials diverged and I could scrap it all again.
I guess 2 reasons: Unstable APIs and lack of understanding of what happens behind the scenes, so that one cannot fix it oneself.
@nixCraft I've seen tutorials explain C keywords for variable declaration that then proceed to ignore what they said
@nixCraft as a LinkedIn Learning instructor, the biggest reaaon is it takes longer to write and publish a good tutorial than it does for the material to get updated. Second is we as instructors f’ed up checking all our environment settings to match our learners or transposing the code form out machines to print/video/blog. Third is the learner made a tiny syntax error they don’t see because they are not experts at the material yet. Fourth, all of the above, just two tutorials back in sequence , though it matters now.
@nixCraft smart quotes for one, or *Python existing* for another.
@nixCraft Environment variables and dependencies.
@nixCraft skill issue
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