Know the difference between Progressive & the radical left that has cost us two elections.
Democrats must confront this problem now.
@lovelylovely Elsewhere in my feed is a Heather Cox Richardson piece about a 1930s or '40s Army pamphlet on fascism, which points out the fascists will offer the false-bifurcation (only two options) and then claim anyone who isn't one of their is the loathsome other, usually "communist" or "lefitst." So I don't think "Dems" are to blame here. The fascists don't distinguish between progressives, centrists, moderates, and bomb-throwing anarchists. There's simply MAGAt-Nazis and commies.
@phaedral If you don't believe the far-left among other issue cost us the election" you're fucking blind, NoOne is blaming Democrats even tho their decision making during this past election contribute to our defeat, Democrats are not leftist You are in many ways at the End of your toot making my point.
MAGA-Far-right/MAGA Far-left.
@lovelylovely I think the repeal of the fairness doctrine and the success of the right-wing infotainment machine cost us the election, if you actually care what I think. I think misogyny cost us the election. I think racism cost us the election. I think the toll of those forces vastly outweighs the the effect of 3rd party spoilers like RFK or Jill Stein or West, or any of the nutjobs who said Gaza was their reason to not get aboard the #HarrisWalz2024 train.
@phaedral Totally, And who orchestrated the Uncommitted "Free-Palestine bullshit?
I'll wait...The far-left #Rashida_tlaib and?
@lovelylovely I truly don't know enough about Tlaib to have a strong opinion, but if she's got a seat as a democrat she's hardly far left. And, as she identifies Palestinian I am a little more sympathetic to her wrongheadedness. It's an emotional thing, seeing one's people decimated.
And she /still/ should have seen that by attacking #HarrisWalz2024 she was in fact aiding and abetting MAGA.
@phaedral Well I know quite a lot about Tlaib and she's poisonous. Did you forget that Trump is president?
This is Tlaib District, Dearborn Michigan