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Robin Frost Has Moved

The more I think upon it the more infuriated I become. No it does not take courage to update your app. You know what takes courage? Telling the truth especially when it costs to do so, facing down the hard things in life daily and then doing it again and again, having to evacuate your homeland and becoming a refugee due to war or famine, emigrating to a new land where you know no one nor the language. That takes courage. ’tGetItTwisted

@robini71 Really, does Sonos realize how many blind people they boned with this fubar? I'm, like, on the I'm never buying another Sonos product again bandwagon after that remark. They can... Ahem. Consume a satchel of male genitalia.

@Meepercat Well now, that's certainly expressive indeed. I can't say I'm at that level of ire. Don't stay there too long it'll impact you more than they; and companies have been known to learn from the error of their ways so I won't give up on them entirely just yet. And frankly were I to do so I'm not sure what else would be comparable to replace my equipment.

@robini71 Meerp. I only have one Sonos product, it wouldn't be that much of a thingydingy.

@Meepercat That's quite a different kettle of fish as they say. Good luck with whatever you decide and deep cleansing breaths. 😁