@goatsarah @saramg Star Trek doing the “whoops, Orville out Trekked Trek”?
@zoe @goatsarah ngl, Orville is on my top-5 best Star Trek series list.
@saramg @goatsarah First point they had to address on an EasterCon panel about best trek series was if Orville counted.
@zoe @saramg @goatsarah I’m sure I’ve asked this before, but… what is Orville?
@ajlanes @zoe @saramg @goatsarah I had not previously heard of Orville either
@womump @ajlanes @zoe @goatsarah Ooooh, you two are among today's lucky 10,000.
"The Orville" (2017-2022) is Seth MacFarlane's personal, non-canon love letter to Star Trek. Being a MacFarlane production it starts out with more low-humor than you'd associate with Star Trek, but by the second season it becomes a real spiritual sibling of the franchise, particularly TNG. It's every bit as "Trek" as "Galaxy Quest (1999)", but in TV series form.
@saramg @womump @zoe @goatsarah Ooh, thanks. Not on any streaming service I currently have so I’ll either have to bat eyelashes or yarrr it…
@womump @zoe @saramg @goatsarah PS that is quite a disturbing image.