@MexicanYenta, now you've reminded me of it and I'll have to find time to watch it again x).
@mgorny sounds like a good problem to have!
@MexicanYenta i often coach teams on networking. I think I’ve been doing it wrong
@MexicanYenta this is my next opening at a professional event. Love it.
@MexicanYenta I don't see a OSI 7 layer model on that slide. What's up with that?
@MexicanYenta love it! First belly laugh in a long time!
@MexicanYenta Don't think I'm not posting this to my #LinkedIn feed.
@dbsalk perfect!
@MexicanYenta another riff on this would be the refrain from A Boy Named Sue (Johnny Cash):
'My name is Sue, how do you do?
Now you gonna die", that's what I told him'
@ChrisMayLA6 good one!
@JessGioa wish I knew who created it so I could credit them!
@MexicanYenta I have a post on intros that uses the same example from the Princess Bride: https://austingovella.medium.com/introduce-yourself-to-clients-best-practices-for-client-introductions-6186366becfb
And one specifically for intros at conferences: https://medium.com/@austingovella/how-to-introduce-yourself-to-network-at-conferences-d56cacc93501
@MexicanYenta You keep using that movie reference. It does not mean what you think it means.
5. Observe how perseverance furthers
6. Embrace shared understanding as generative closure
@MexicanYenta This is one of the BEST things I've ever seen!!!
@MexicanYenta Now I need to re-watch it for a hundredth + 1 time <3