When we tell children that Santa will distribute presents based on how "good" or "bad" they are, then the kids witness that presents are distributed based on which economic situation they happen to have been born into, what are we really teaching kids about "good" and "bad".
@bencurthoys @selzero so what is the message you send to children around you then?
@mapto @bencurthoys that material possession is not a result of virtue?
Alternate text for the above image (this is not a statement about any opinion or fact expressed in the image; the information above is only a description of the above image):
Three frames of a person standing next to a ceramic Santa, each with a caption.
Frame one caption: The good children will get lots of presents and so, it turns out, will the bad children.
Frame two caption: In fact, the only ones who won't get very much are the poor children.
Frame three caption: that's because Santa judges a child's goodness based largely on parental income.