@sal @actuallyautistic @brainpilgrim @ajlanes @goatsarah I can very much sympathize with your response. It is unsettling to imagine what it must be like to live with this diagnosis in our global healthcare climate.
Sadly, I can’t say if the person had been abusive at that point. I was trying my best to not judge and just listen. But my gut was acting up and it might just be some reaction due to past trauma.
@haui @sal@brain.worm.pink @actuallyautistic @brainpilgrim @ajlanes @goatsarah@thegoatery.dyndns.org
Butting into this conversation to highlight the following:
Please be careful when assuming an autistic person's tone.
Telling an autistic person that they're patronising is often (not always!) inaccurate and unfair.
The way we communicated often comes across as lecturing or patronising even when we're not.
Disagree with the points a person is making, that's totally fair.
No need to tone police.
@Zumbador @haui @actuallyautistic @ajlanes
Agreeing because I can manage the tone in my voice as needed. Huge influence on every being around me, from dogs and cats to the people I work with.
And I constantly restrain myself from pointing out the screaming obvious, because that's one of those things people hate you doing.
When they are choosing to not live in reality. For you. In that moment.
@brainpilgrim @Zumbador @actuallyautistic @ajlanes not pointing out the screaming obvious is a skill that I haven’t mastered yet. :)