Intentionally protesting outside a Jewish-owned business in the United States to make a statement against the Israeli government has to be one of the most incompetent actions done in supposed service to human rights. Who is this helping? Who is this persuading?
@charlotteclymer Who are you subtooting?
FWIW @charlotteclymer maybe, just maybe, it’s a bit of modern cointelproish tactics to defame the movement? i lived this during OWS and have seen a version of this devolve online as well. take these obviously manufactured viral moments with a huge grain of salt.
@blogdiva @charlotteclymer I am not sure of the context, but I could imagine both cointelpro type shenanigans and also people just being dumb.
@charlotteclymer It's also simply antisemetic, and not informed activism. Which, imho, more of us need to speak-out about. Not enough Americans have visibility into Jewish culture, history, or the difference between "Israel, a creation of the Allied nations" and the global Jewish community.
@charlotteclymer I wouldn't assume it's incompetent. I would sooner assume that they know exactly what they are doing - it's not about persuading anyone, but rather terrorizing Jewish people - making sure that Jewish people know they aren't safe anywhere.
Like it or not, there really are a lot of people who earnestly want to "solve the Jewish problem", and they're not picky about who they use as allies and/or useful fools.
Even when the billionaire owner of said business is a major financial booster of same Israeli government, and who directly orders the firing of that business' employees merely for protesting Israel's genocidal land grab and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians?
Whose values are misplaced here, exactly?
@charlotteclymer @lisamelton I feel the same way seeing red paint splashed on businesses and workplaces of Jewish people in my city. One city councillor had it done at her office.
And it’s like, what, “Yeah! Blood on your hands for the actions a country leader on the other side of the world did!”?
@charlotteclymer It’s helping Likud, but that’s just lagniappe — the knotheads who think that Jewish = Israeli = Likud are just letting their antisemitic flag fly.
@charlotteclymer What business are we talking about? And what protest?