Notchmeisterers: It's been awhile but there is a new version of Notchmeister in TestFlight with:
• New Expando effect
• Added support for M2 in Notchmeister Control Panel (NCP)
• Fixed Notchmeister Control Panel (NCP) peeking below notch
• Fixed an issue with stray windows after a screen configuration change
• Twitter eradication :middle_finger:
Possibly related: this new MacBook Air is freakin' awesome.
@chockenberry @gedeonm From the bottom of my heart, can you add fuzzy dice to it?
@BasicAppleGuy @gedeonm Paging @jamesthomson - is it possible to put a SpriteKit scene in a CALayer?
@chockenberry @BasicAppleGuy @gedeonm I don't _think_ so, but you could put an SKView or SCNView in a transparent window, and it would work.
@jamesthomson @BasicAppleGuy @gedeonm Know anywhere I could get some dice models?
@chockenberry @BasicAppleGuy @gedeonm I do indeed. I mean, genuinely would be happy to share, just tell me what you need :)
@jamesthomson @chockenberry @gedeonm I’m bursting at the possibility of a James Thomson Dice + Notchmeister collab
@BasicAppleGuy @jamesthomson @gedeonm Do you want an airplane, too?
@BasicAppleGuy @jamesthomson @gedeonm What are the chances that these die will cause some form of skin cancer?
@chockenberry @BasicAppleGuy @gedeonm Do not put two close together!
@chockenberry @BasicAppleGuy @jamesthomson @gedeonm DUNNO A ROLL O THE DICE?
@chockenberry @jamesthomson @gedeonm maybe add a disclaimer before people select it.
@BasicAppleGuy @jamesthomson @gedeonm Feels like we're getting close…
@BasicAppleGuy @jamesthomson @gedeonm Going to call it “Fusion Dice” and then wait for a call from James’ lawyer.
@chockenberry @BasicAppleGuy @jamesthomson @gedeonm Different models for light vs dark mode??
@chockenberry @BasicAppleGuy @gedeonm My lawyer only sends faxes.
@jamesthomson @chockenberry @BasicAppleGuy @gedeonm A fax is technically still a call, right? Or was. How do faxes even work these days!?
@chockenberry @BasicAppleGuy @jamesthomson These dice must be 20 feet in diameter. They’re sooooooo slooooooow.
@gedeonm @chockenberry @BasicAppleGuy The models I sent over were 1m in diameter in fact! The SceneKit engine doesn’t really like tiny physics objects. But you can tweak the physics speed to overcome that.
@jamesthomson @gedeonm @BasicAppleGuy Slow is also better for development so you can see what’s happening.
@chockenberry @jamesthomson @gedeonm @BasicAppleGuy This is interesting. Enjoying the progress updates Curious if you can get fur shader working :)
@_ChrisHarris @jamesthomson @gedeonm @BasicAppleGuy You have to ask yourself this question: would Apple ever do fur?
@chockenberry @_ChrisHarris @jamesthomson @gedeonm prescient suggests they would.
Exhibit A:
@jamesthomson Mamy years ago, I was
building models Strata 3D that turned out to be too small. A Boolean operation failed due to the tiny size, and created what Strata called “An Insane Body”
@jeffcgd May we all be blessed with such a thing :)
@BasicAppleGuy @jamesthomson @gedeonm Fusion Dice are going to need a way to recharge…
@chockenberry @BasicAppleGuy @gedeonm Oh dear, what have I done to you?!
@jamesthomson @BasicAppleGuy @gedeonm Wait until you see the About box.
@chockenberry @jamesthomson @BasicAppleGuy @gedeonm I await this awesomeness with bated breath.
@chockenberry @jamesthomson @BasicAppleGuy @gedeonm I'm over here making popcorn while I wait for the next chapter.
@jamesthomson @BasicAppleGuy @gedeonm Can't wait to check this in with a commit message of “Improved the angle of dangle”.
@chockenberry @jamesthomson @BasicAppleGuy @gedeonm Next up, the dimension of suspension.
@jdubuc @jamesthomson @BasicAppleGuy @gedeonm A cylinder with a 0.025 m radius and 0.15 m length. Just don’t ask me what the scaling of the world coordinates are
@chockenberry @jamesthomson @BasicAppleGuy @gedeonm “It’s not the size that counts, it’s the coordinate space!”
@chockenberry @jamesthomson @BasicAppleGuy @gedeonm shut it all down, we're done here: there won't be a better PR title than this.
@chockenberry @BasicAppleGuy @jamesthomson Do Macs still come with an accelerometer?
@scottobara @BasicAppleGuy @jamesthomson Yes and no. The hardware is there but it’s not supported by CoreMotion framework.
@chockenberry @jamesthomson @gedeonm I still can't deal with this becoming reality.
@chockenberry @BasicAppleGuy @gedeonm You have done well, my new apprentice.
@jamesthomson @chockenberry @BasicAppleGuy @gedeonm one of the most highly-anticipated threads on mastodon.
@BasicAppleGuy @jamesthomson @gedeonm Colors still need work (and I’m not going to tweak them until they're hanging underneath the notch). But the physics and animations are how I envisioned them.
@chockenberry @BasicAppleGuy @jamesthomson @gedeonm that’s awesome! How will be used? As a widget ?
@chockenberry cool! I don’t have a Macbook though… now you gonna make me buy one! Lol
@albertkinng It works on a Mac without a notch, too.
@chockenberry Where can I get the dice? I have the beta and the normal app and dice aren’t on any of them!
@albertkinng Not released yet.
@chockenberry @BasicAppleGuy @jamesthomson @gedeonm In a sense are these “dice by PCalc”?
@michaelgemar @chockenberry @BasicAppleGuy @gedeonm There’s some trace DNA, but aside from the original models and some loose guidance, this is all @chockenberry!
@chockenberry @BasicAppleGuy @jamesthomson @gedeonm extraordinary. Thank you for your service.
@BasicAppleGuy @jamesthomson @gedeonm Camera and lighting positions need adjustment, but it’s basically working now.
@BasicAppleGuy @jamesthomson @gedeonm The look on my wife's face when I showed her this was priceless.
“You’re funny.”
@chockenberry @BasicAppleGuy @jamesthomson @gedeonm I can’t wait for the AR goggle version.
@chockenberry @jamesthomson @gedeonm humanity is an incalculably better place because of this.
@chockenberry @BasicAppleGuy @jamesthomson @gedeonm Please, please, please…no notch nuts.
@BasicAppleGuy @jamesthomson @gedeonm Quick question James: do your dice have a built-in control panel?
@BasicAppleGuy @jamesthomson @gedeonm It also occurred to me that this will be very popular during boring Zoom meetings. By its very nature, your eyes are going to be directed right at the camera while you fiddle with the dice.
I should do an IAP for more than five minutes of use
Will this be coming to Notchmeister? :)
Nevermind, my question got answered later on in my fimeline.
@jamesthomson @chockenberry @BasicAppleGuy @gedeonm
But surely a VR craps game in the about screen can’t be far off?
@chockenberry @jamesthomson @gedeonm this better win an ADA!
@BasicAppleGuy @jamesthomson @gedeonm @louie Live long and prosper!
@chockenberry @BasicAppleGuy @jamesthomson @gedeonm @louie You’ll know this is feature-complete when the chains get tangled and you have to untangle them.