As I'm been Away for a while, I think it's best to do a new #introduction.
Hello, I'm Oli and I'm a spanish #classicalphilology student, but due to #bipolar3 and #cronicanxiety it's been taking more than I'd like to graduate.
I love #Euripides snd the question of #gender in classical antiquity + the non-whitness of ancient greek and rome. On the other side, I consider myself a beginner in #crip and #queer studies, since i'm both.
(2/2, #introduction)
In this account I mostly speak in Spanish, but I'? fluent in english. Also, i am able (more or less) to read Italian and French, this one I studied bsck in HS.
I also have a bookstodon account with the same name ( ) which I'd like to use to review books I am reading in both english and spanish (still undecided about my acsdemical readings)
This account might change instances (paquita or queer party, still unsure)