@ancient_catbus People must keep learning this one, over and over...
The Republicans in America have been demonstrating this for years. There's no particular reason that gun nuts, Christianists, bigots, anti-vaxxers, and anti-choicers should be allies. But there's no reason for them not to, and they do all see liberals as a common enemy. (Note that, over time, some of them do think they share an ideology. More and more, I see claims that God wrote The Second Amendment. Thanks a lot, God.)
@ancient_catbus that's actually a big part of why this episode really stood the test of time. If you show it to kids today, they love it. No one likes the ones that punched down (even Chuck Jones directed one obligatory racist short in the 40s).
@ancient_catbus this is healthy masculinity
@ancient_catbus Such a wonderful example! The sooner the masses realize this the better off we will be. Anytime I am talking politics with someone I try to drive home the importance of class solidarity. This is key.
@ancient_catbus in case this is not a common knowledge:
@ancient_catbus Gee, wonder why that poster was on the bottom. Whoever could've placed those other posters over it?
It's almost as if they were trying to cause in-fighting to distract from the real problem.
@ancient_catbus I never noticed the Fudd Andreessen resemblance before, but now I'll never be able to unsee it