Am I the only person that didn't know there's a difference between a hyphen and an em-dash?
In some ways, why? The hyphen is-right-there on my keyboard — but no, I'm not allowed to use it, it has to be a dash — and in pairs only! What-the-fuck!
Is it a native English speaker thing? We never seem to know how the language actually works - also what the hell is an insert key?
Oops I did it again!
@futurile Also be aware that an apostrophe ʼ (0x2bc) is different to a closing quote ’ (0x2019).
@khleedril @futurile the rabbit whole is deeper...
-: U+002D hyphen-minus
‐: U+00AD soft-hyphen
‐: U+2010 hyphen
‑: U+2011 non-breaking hyphen
‒: U+2012 figure dash
–: U+2013 en dash
—: U+2014 em dash
―: U+2015 horizontal bar
−: U+2212 minus
﹣: U+FE63 small hyphen-minus
-: U+FF0D full-width hyphen-minus
@sharlatan @khleedril <runs away in fear>
There's got to be a standards body somewhere that had a lot of fun!
@futurile sounds like js kung-fu (or kung--fu or kung - fu ^.^ wtf) with
Not native English and just use - and _
@futurile, I only learned about the difference between them (and more) when learning LaTeX, and now I'm typing them with an input method that covers a subset of LaTeX.