I hear where you're coming from but the Dems are at best mediocre. I live in Seattle, WA. Literally everyone at every level who represents me are Democrats who win here with VERY safe margins. A majority of my reps are even diverse women!
Yet my city council and county routinely pass legislation you'd expect to come from a southern republican when it comes to people of color or anyone of limited wealth.
The Dems are economic elite who hate the poor.
@nullagent @originlbookgirl@mastodon.online yes, exactly. I have lived in "commiefornia" my whole life. Almost always a Dem governor, Dem senators, majority Dem Reps, etc. yet shit still sucks a lot of the time. The fact is we have 2 conservative parties in the US, one moderate & one extreme, with ZERO LEFT LEANING of any major influence. You get the occasional lefty Rep or something in the Dem party but that's about it. Maybe an Independent who caucuses with the Dems.
@nullagent @originlbookgirl@mastodon.online if Dems can't produce meaningful positive changes for people when they DO have optimal conditions, then what the fuck is anyone supposed to really behind? This is the time of reckoning the left has warned about for decades, where "at least we're not Republicans" is no longer good enough to carry the party thru an election even with an incumbent president & actual gas chambers fascism knocking at the door.