Has anyone else noticed the @pixelfed¹ "Sign-in with Mastodon" button?
Pretty neat!
It's actually also a sign-up option. With a few clicks, you can import all your #Mastodon data & get started
It's not available on all #Pixelfed servers.²
¹A #Foss #Instagram alternative
²https://gram.social/login & https://pixelfed.social/login ...
I saw it yesterday for the first time, but its great!
@madeindex @pixelfed pretty neat, however I want to fully import my data from fb including my friends, my followed page...etc, I know it is super far fetched but a boy can dream no? IDK why 99% of the things that I follow on fb did never even touch once Mastodon even after suggesting that to them and some already know about it
@madeindex @pixelfed I already know that, I know that threads entered the Fediverse not too long ago, I also know that you can follow things from threads on Mastodon but you cannot follow Mastodon things on threads
I have been on fb since 2008 so I totally lived through its "evolutions" & stuff, its memes... and I know that it will live long but the conclusion that I have is that it will become more a hell than it already is, I suggest to everybody to quit that hell hole