#UnitedHealth is positively #fucking #EVIL for intentionally denying #critical care and services to autistic #children for #profit. They know *exactly* what they are doing.
This damning #ProPublica article highlights UH's strategy via secret playbook to deny children care. Absolutely eye-opening.
As an #actuallyautistic #human who #parents an #autistic #child, this is horrifying and utterly reprehensible.
@peteorrall this is hilarious in a very sad way, because ABA is considerd abusive and harmfull by most #actuallyautistic.
So this is a case of an abuser (UH) preventing abuse by ABA by just being their evil self.
A very sad state of afairs.
So if ABA is indeed evil and UnitedHealth is also evil, then an evil is being prevented from doing evil?
#IsntThatGood though?
Now here's a discussion page you can also take a look at, it adds a bit of nuance
@shoppingtonz @mavu @peteorrall Two wrongs don't make a right, but sometimes two wrongs are harm reduction.
@peteorrall Autism is rampant amongst us technical people. This sort of thing will backfire. "Neural tribes" is a good read. I'm sure you have read it.