Как сделать хорошее API
Обстоятельно и подробно, на конкретных примерах рассказываю как спроектировать и реализовать API, за которое потом не будет стыдно.

Как сделать хорошее API
Обстоятельно и подробно, на конкретных примерах рассказываю как спроектировать и реализовать API, за которое потом не будет стыдно.
A relire : OSS 117 Quotes, encore une API de citations !
Someone already reverse-engineering the Nintendo Today app: https://github.com/ranidspace/nintendo-today-scripts
Happening next week! Discover the new OpenAIRE Graph #API!
Join our webinar to explore its powerful new features for #bibliometric analysis, #research discovery, and #OpenScience monitoring. Learn how it streamlines access to the #OpenAIREGraph’s rich research data, see real-world applications, and get your questions answered in our live Q&A!
Register now! https://tinyurl.com/45zenwr
[Перевод] API Security Best Practices
Данная публикация - перевод серии постов Хассена Бельгасема - API Security Best Practices. Статья о том, как обеспечить безопасность API. API стал одним из фундаментальных элементов мобильных и веб-приложений, обеспечивая бесшовную коммуникацию между различными системами и сервисами. Однако, увеличение зависимости от API также сделало их популярной целью для кибератак, что ставит под угрозу конфиденциальные данные и бизнес-операции. Поэтому нам необходима всесторонняя стратегия многоуровневой защиты, включающая в себя реализацию нескольких уровней защиты для обеспечения безопасности API. Эта стратегия должна охватывать такие аспекты, как контроль доступа, аутентификацию, авторизацию, проверку входных данных (валидацию данных), фильтрацию выходных данных и непрерывную интеграция.
Novo GPT-4o da OpenAI traz melhorias para o ChatGPT https://tugatech.com.pt/t65418-novo-gpt-4o-da-openai-traz-melhorias-para-o-chatgpt
The way we're thinking about breaking changes is really silly https://lobste.rs/s/qqvrip #api #programming
Mindera is hiring Dot Net Fullstack Developer (Senior/Tech Lead)
#csharp #javascript #dotnet #aspdotnet #react #api #aws #azure #gcp #mvc #sql #seniorengineer #techlead
Bengaluru, India
Job details https://jobsfordevelopers.com/jobs/dot-net-fullstack-developer-senior-tech-lead-at-mindera-com-mar-26-2024-94ca8b?utm_source=mastodon.world&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=posting
#jobalert #jobsearch #hiring
#ActivityPub defines client to server communication.
#Mastodon is using its own client #API and several others are providing a more or less compatible API.
This post was written using #Tusky using the Mastodon Client API using a #Mammuthus instance using ActivityPub to federate...
OpenAI revela aumentos dos prémios por vulnerabilidades https://tugatech.com.pt/t65394-openai-revela-aumentos-dos-premios-por-vulnerabilidades
Det är en fröjd att arbeta med ett #API som följer #HATEOAS fullt ut. Jag slipper bläddra runt i källsystemet för att hitta rätt referenser eller rentav data som behövs för att färdigställa en komplex operation med flera anrop av olika typer som ska bli en del av lösningen. #livetSomITKonsult
Byte-Code is hiring Front-End Engineer
#csharp #react #redux #api #docker #kubernetes
Chiasso, Switzerland
Job details https://jobsfordevelopers.com/jobs/front-end-engineer-at-byte-code-com-mar-6-2025-ee6208?utm_source=mastodon.world&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=posting
#jobalert #jobsearch #hiring
ZENRINMapsAPI と GoogleMapsAPI におけるフェリー利用ルート検索の制御の違い
prepare()-ing for execution: a new API for process creation https://lobste.rs/s/ye8vcd #show #api #unix
First of all, I moved instance! I am now self hosting my own #gotosocial instance, which uses the #Mastodon #API, but is easy to self host, and is super chill on the resources. This also means that I can now post long form content! 5000 characters is a blog post in itself, so I can blog AND microblog.
Secondly, I released 1.1.1 of the #alectors library for #nlproc with #rl. I should probably start keeping a changelog or a release log, but I am just getting to grips with what #semver is and how to use it in general. As always you can find the source code at https://erga.apotheke.earth/aethrvmn/alectors which is yet another #selfhosted project, a git #forgejo.
Today I added #OpenAPI documentation to #dweb for building #RESTful #p2p web apps using your favourite web framework, or no framework at all.
All I have to do now is add more APIs!
But tbh, that's easy. The hardest part is actually the documentation.
So to make it more fun I'm adding the APIs need to enhance my #Fileman #Svelte demo.
So next is image preview which means adding /dweb-0/file-get
another part of my day job involves working around systems designed to prevent mass AI-driven scraping, because humans and well-behaved query scripts are accidentally caught up in all the war-of-the-scrapers, because Cloudflare etc are offering what seems to management to be a magic bullet, and putting the bluntest of tools in front of anywhere that needs to be public, including APIs.
#scraping #api
Eine von der EU-KOM beauftragte Studie hat die "Harmonisierung" des Austauschs von #API #Passagierdaten für Züge und Busse an den Außengrenzen geprüft.
Auch Thema: Die Weitergabe von Buchungsinformationen sowie automatische APNR-Abfragen des SIS II.
Part of my day job involves using APIs to retrieve public data from third party public websites, some of which were never designed to publish raw data, so I tread lightly, no more than a human-driven query.
Part of my day job is preventing third party machines from hammering servers I run by incessant mass scraping - hundreds of thousands of ridiculous requests humans would never do or want (typically that's AI-driven scraping that doesn't abide by robots.txt).
I feel conflicted.
#scraping #api