Imagine this: you're the king of great moravia, 867. You're 57, and have no children, but with suprisingly great health.
Suddenly, something's... wrong. The stereotypes, power struggle, discussions between men and women in your palace... swap. Men are weak now, men provide for their children, men's only use is war and reproduciton - what is going on?
But before you figure that out, the 16yo Czech Bohemian duchess (wasn't there a duke there yesterday) sends you a big pile of money and asks to marry. You think sure, and she has no relatives - your son get to rule all of Czechia. But your council doesn't approve: a patriarchal marriage? Even though it is between King and Duchess, somehow, your dynasty won't live on simply because you're a man, and in this world, inferior.
Context: I made gender rights inverted in #CK3 and so far this campaign is ultra funny, makes Bohemia extremely overpowered especially with a learning focus