The Exorcism at 1600 Penn #4 Available March 26
#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #TheExorcismat1600Penn – @IDWPublishing – #HannahRoseMay – #VanesaDelRey – By: Hannah Rose May (Author), Vanesa Del Rey (Illustrator-Artist) President Kelly Doyle has seen the devil. If she’s to save her daughter, Mara, from possession by t…
#VanesaDelRey(IllustratorArtist) #HannahRoseMay(Author) #TheExorcismAt1600Penn #Comics #Releases #ad #horror
The Savage Sword of Conan : The Original Comics Omnibus Vol. 4 Available March 25
#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #TheSavageSwordofConan – @ComicsTitan – #RoyThomas – #JohnBuscema – By: Roy Thomas (Author), John Buscema (Illustrator) The greatest hero in sword-and-sorcery history. This is the legend of Conan! Conan returns for an…
#horror #ad #Releases #Comics #TheSavageSwordOfConan #RoyThomas(Author) #JohnBuscema(Illustrator)
The Work Week :tm: has begun, which means injecting my upcoming short story with even more clever (and exciting!) subtlety.
...with ideas that emerged in my head last weekend.
3/23. If their story goal was no longer an issue, what would your antagonist do?
Aufteilen would be a disgusting, dissipated wretch. He’d be deeply invested in either European conflicts like the various Schleswig Wars. Or, more likely, he’d emigrate to America to learn about genocide against the indigenous people first hand.
Fishflies Available March 25
#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – @ImageComics – #Fishflies – #JeffLemire – By: Jeff Lemire A strange and surreal new tale of friendship and small town life from the creator of SWEET TOOTH and DESCENDER. A small town crime sets off a chain of events that will permanently alter the lives of several residents of […] …
#horror #ad #Releases #Comics #JeffLemire #Fishflies
By all rights 'Theatre of Blood' should be big campy fun but it's really just cheap and disappointing instead.
Full ★ #Review on #Letterboxd: https://boxd.it/9dHeQP
#Movies #Horror
Feral Vol. 2 Available March 25
#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #Feral – @ImageComics – #TonyFleecs – #TrishForstner – #ToneRodriguez – #BradSimpson – By: Tony Fleecs (Author), Trish Forstner (Illustrator), Tone Rodriguez (Illustrator), Brad Simpson (Illustrator) The Walking Dead meets The…
#horror #ad #Releases #Comics #Feral #TonyFleecs(Author) #BradSimpson(Illustrator) #TrishForstner(Illustrator) #ToneRodriguez(Illustrator)
Have you read?
A Girl of Nails and Teeth by Hannah Yang at Nightmare
I love how we don't know where this story is going and how we don't truly know how it ends.
Mom, I think something's wrong with this computer...
CatTrigger Horror Collection:
East of West : The End Times Compendium Available March 25
#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #EastofWest – @ImageComics – #JonathanHickman – #NickDragotta – By: Jonathan Hickman (Author), Nick Dragotta (Illustrator) Collecting all ten volumes of the critically acclaimed, New York Times bestselling series into one massive paperback. Thi…
#NickDragotta(Illustrator) #JonathanHickman(Author) #EastOfWest #Comics #Releases #ad #horror
Here is the regular cover for Dusk - The Origin, Kickstarter launching April 1st at 10am EST!
If we get to 100 followers I will share for free the digital copy of my unpublished j-horror comic Welcome Home!
Conan The Barbarian : The Original Comics Omnibus Vol. 4 Available March 25
#horror – #horrorcomics – #comicbooks – #ConanTheBarbarian – @ComicsTitan – #RoyThomas – #JohnBuscema – By: Roy Thomas (Author), John Buscema (Illustrator) The greatest hero in sword-and-sorcery history. This is the legend of Conan! Roy Thomas’ decade-long original r…
#horror #JohnBuscema(Illustrator) #RoyThomas(Author) #ConanTheBarbarian #Comics #Releases #ad
ICYMI this lovely interview came out last week. Lynn Hutchinson Lee talks about the inspiration for her debut novella ORIGINS OF DESIRE IN ORCHID FENS, the book's relationship to Hutchinson Lee's work as a visual artist, her love of wetlands and more!
For Women in Horror month, Stephanie Ellis has been in the research trenches talking to women over the age of 50 who write the scary stuff. She wondered if there is indeed life after 50 for the ladies of the dark, and found plenty of evidence pointing to a resounding YES. She shares her findings with both the British Fantasy Society and Horror Tree in three parts this week; this is part one.
The program for this Friday, 28th of March for the Albuquerque Film Festival is up!
The short film Terminus (from the director Ashley Butcher) will be playing during that evening, and we're very excited for this opportunity!
#CRRRRS: THE #UK #Geek #ScienceFiction, #Fantasy, and #Horror #Podcast
571 #DoctorWho: #TheTwoDoctors
Another splendid #revisit, for #Whovians by a #Whovian. Enjoy!
Listen: https://archive.org/download/roymathurspodcast/2025-03-23-captain-roys-rusty-rocket-radio-show.mp3
Shownotes: https://roymathur.com/blog/2025-03-23-captain-roys-rusty-rocket-radio-show.html
Subscribe: https://roymathur.com/podcast.html
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