"San Francisco is not a beautiful city." -- so says #CharlesBarkley, who doesn't know sh*t about anything other than playing basketball . . .
which is a very limited knowledge set.![:man-facepalming: 🤦♂️](/emoji/1f926-200d-2642-fe0f.svg)
Charles Barkley is an idiot but, if what he says keeps other idiots like him from coming to #SF, I'm all for it because there are already TOO MANY idiots from "somewhere else" in #TheCity.![:blush: 😊](/emoji/1f60a.svg)
If The City were just occupied that those of us who were born & raised here, it would be an even better place. ![:sunglasses: 😎](/emoji/1f60e.svg)
Does he really think he looks "beautiful" in this picture. LOL! ![:man-facepalming: 🤦♂️](/emoji/1f926-200d-2642-fe0f.svg)
F*ck Charles Barkley!!!! ![:face_with_symbols_on_mouth: 🤬](/emoji/1f92c.svg)