#Ontario is run by a mobster siphoning public funds and assets into the pockets of corporate buddies. #VOTE #NeverVoteConservative #onpoli #onElxn #DougFord #CorporateGreed
#Ontario is run by a mobster siphoning public funds and assets into the pockets of corporate buddies. #VOTE #NeverVoteConservative #onpoli #onElxn #DougFord #CorporateGreed
Another beautiful day for #Ontarians to get out and #vote at the advance polls!
"Close to 3 in 10 Ontarians plan to vote strategically in upcoming election, new Nanos survey finds"
This could be the first time in #Canadian Elections that strategic voting has an impact. Even the mention of it is encouraging - because polls are asking about it.
People follow their interests to filter out the noise and other channels of information. So, they don't follow politics because it is a fire-hydrant of disinformation and confusion and they just don't pay any attention to it.
People are generally good and want to believe their politicians and this is one of the reasons we are where we are - people believe the politicians and anyone who thinks about it for a second realizes there are a group of them that are Liars.
#fascists vote. that is just the thing #progressives have to understand. they #vote and you don't.
Werden die Koalitionsverhandlungen zwischen CDU und SPD schnell und konstruktiv über die Bühne gehen?
ドイツ次期首相候補、トランプ氏を警戒 欧州に防衛力強化呼びかけ | ロイター https://www.yayafa.com/2203225/ #AMERS #Asia #ASXPAC #CEEU #CISC #CIV #CWP #DBT #DEST:NOJPTPM #DEST:NOJPWDM #DEST:NOJPZTM #dip #đệ #eco #ECON #EEU #EMEA #EMRG #EU #EUROP #EZC #Gen #INTAG #JFOR #JLN #job #MCE #min #MTPIX #NAMER #NASIA #NATO #News #News① #POL #POTUS #ru #SECUR #TOPCMB #TOPNWS #TRN #UA #us #VOTE #VOTP #wash #WEU #World #WorldNews #ニュース #世界 #世界ニュース
Democrats fuck up, lose #elections, & then blame the real #left instead of their own spineless, donor-serving cowardice. Maybe if they actually fought for people instead of expecting #votes by default, perhaps they wouldn’t keep getting their asses handed to them.
Just a thought.
It's always bewildering that #liberal plans for society is to always win #elections for eternity against #fascists. If you don't give them your #vote and fascists win, you deserve #fascism.
And then complain about "1-Party states" like they don't salivate at the idea of a Liberal #dictatorship.
#Police are pieces of shit. And no, they don't "prevent" #crime.
Every #socialist state had police but I still don't like the idea of them.
I like the idea of #Lenin proletarian militias as he describes in “Letters from Afar”.
"As part of the settlement, Giuliani agreed not to further make false statements against Freeman and Moss, but it also did not include an admission of guilt by him. He was disbarred in New York and Washington, D.C., because of his false allegations in 2020 to overturn the presidential elections."
#Giuliani #Georgia #Vote
Hey Canadians of Mastodon, are you registered to vote? There's an upcoming federal election, and the less barriers to voting you have to jump, the better! You can check whether you're registered at the right address, or register, or change your address, right here
It's easy, free, and it took me like two minutes. Our turnout for voting has been pretty abysmal lately - let's change that.
Howie Hawkins latest article on the 3rd anniversary of the #Russia full-scale invasion of #Ukraine is out in New Green Horizon now!
Read the article at https://newgreenhorizons.us/russia-is-imperialist-too/
#Ukraine #Solidarity Network statement on the 3rd anniversary of the full-scale invasion of #Ukraine by #Russia: "Ukraine Solidarity Under the #Trump Administration."
#Russia invaded #Ukraine, but according to #Trump it is Ukraine that should pay #reparations to the #USA, not Russia to Ukraine.
#Ukrainian civil society weights in on the #US - #Russia negotiations about #Ukraine without Ukraine.