Though I didn't have sheep on my #H5N1 #birdflu bingo card, by this point nothing should surprise me or us about this tricky, tricky virus.
The UK has found an infected sheep. Where there's one, there certainly could be more.
The UK has announced a case of avian flu virus #H5N1 detected in a sheep (on a farm with infected birds). I think some of the significance of this (and the wider picture) is being missed in a lot of the reporting. So a short thread...
This week's Featured Links post has links to articles about the death of American democracy, the economics of AI, the bird flu outbreak and your backyard bird feeder, and more.
#AI, #Disinformation, #Environment, #eReaders, #H5N1, #Language, #Politics, #Science, #Society, #Software, #Technology
#Birdflu detected in #English #sheep for first time
Bird flu (#H5N1) has been detected in a sheep in #Yorkshire, marking the first such case in England. The infected sheep was culled, and the remaining flock tested negative for the virus. While the risk to livestock is considered low, authorities are urging that farmers remain vigilant and adhere to biosecurity measures.
Die #Vogelgrippe #H5N1 breitet sich in Nordamerika weiter aus. Es sind bereits 167 Millionen Vögeln betroffen. Die Infektionszahlen beim Menschen steigen.
In #Kanada laufen nun verstärkte #Überwachungsmaßnahmen an, da #Zugvögel aus den #USA zurückkehren.
Der Erreger ist theoretisch nur eine Mutation davon entfernt, leichter zwischen Menschen übertragbar zu sein.
Virologist Ab Osterhaus on US approach #birdflu #H5N1: "I think this is going in the wrong direction; this is life-threatening." Bart-Jan Oplaat (Dutch Poultry Farmers): "As a result, the US will run out of poultry next year. No eggs and no chicken meat."
Impact of #pH and #temperature in dairy #processing on the infectivity of #H5N1 avian #influenza viruses,
March 21, 2025 New! #H5N1 Situation summary of confirmed human cases since 2024 {}
March 21, 2025 New! #H5N1 National Situation Summary H5 Bird Flu: Current Situation - Human Cases in the United States {}
The photo Global News chose for this article on RFK wanting bird flu to spread, is utterly hilarious
Give that editor a bonus, well played
Savage Cat Food Chicken is contaminated with bird flu virus (H5N1). Affected are large and small boxes with lot code 11152026. #savage #cat #chicken #h5n1 #birdflu #infection #recall
CDC Reports New #H5N1 Avian Flu Cases Raising Concerns
Poultry culler in Ohio hospitalized, clade D1.3 confirmed in their lower respiratory system
Clade D1.1 outbreak in Arizona & Nevada continues to spread
»Kontraproduktiv, irreführend und für uns Menschen lebensgefährlich«:
In den USA herrscht Eiermangel, denn die Vogelgrippe grassiert in den Legehennenbetrieben. Nun hat US-Gesundheitsminister #Kennedy vorgeschlagen, dem #Virus freien Lauf zu lassen – um resistente Hühner zu züchten. Der Leiter des nationalen Vogelgrippe-Referenzlabors, Timm Harder, erklärt , warum das eine brandgefährliche Idee ist. Mein Interview bei #vogelgrippe #h5n1 #Trump
#UK - High pathogenicity avian #influenza #H5N1 viruses (#poultry) (Inf. with) - Immediate notification,
The many lies and misinformation about Covid19 unfortunately make us less prepared for the next pandemic, including punishing public health orgs and leaders. A lot of things went right, despite all the interference from antiscience leaders. #covid19 #pandemic #H5N1