Atterrissage des petits hommes "verres" de cette 11e édition parisienne les samedi 17, dimanche 18 et lundi 19 mai à la Bellevilloise (Paris 20e).
Contact et infos : SLPLV[a]nouriturfu[.]com
Création artistique : Léa Taillefer
Atterrissage des petits hommes "verres" de cette 11e édition parisienne les samedi 17, dimanche 18 et lundi 19 mai à la Bellevilloise (Paris 20e).
Contact et infos : SLPLV[a]nouriturfu[.]com
Création artistique : Léa Taillefer
L'association Les Ateliers du Bout de la Cale (Locmiquélic 56) s'associent à la Cave lorientaise Carnet de Vins pour organiser le Salon du Vin nature 2025 les 17 et 18 mai prochains ! 22 vignerons/vigneronnes de toute la France vous proposeront leur production lors d'un joyeux salon printanier. A suivre...
Affiche @gaeleflao
#vinnature #vinsnatures #vinnaturel
#vinsnaturels #naturalwine #locmiquelic
#lorient #lorientagglo #radedelorient #morbihan #bretagne #bzh
Rather huge news, that has been quietly reported in a few organs over the last few weeks: Consorzio Collio has voted to create an orange wine classification as part of DOC Collio.
I took a detailed look and asked main man Saša Radikon for his input.
The story behind an Italian American cocktail joint in Hatagaya #community #ourlives #cocktails #naturalwine #hatagaya #shibuya #smallbusinesses
Salon Supernature à Angers au digital village 12 bd Jean Moulin sans aucun intrants, mais intrus.e.s bienvenu.e.s ! #vinsvivants #vinsnatures #0sulfites #supernature #naturalwine
How can you call champagnes natural wines when the second fermentation is a highly manipulative one using liqueur de tirage? via @lescavesdepyrene #champagne #naturalwine #triage #wineworldnews #champagnelovers 【飲まないと損】安旨ワイン3本飲みくらべ #Amazonブラックフライデー #ソムリエおすすめ オーストラリアワイン 家飲みに!ワイン初心者さんにも! #amazonセール #AppetizerRecipes #appetizers #naturalwine #Recipes #SnackFood #SnackRecipes #snacks #VinVivant #vinvivant #あなたの専属ソムリエあゆ #あなたの専属ソムリエあゆ【爆速ワイン飯と安旨ワイン】 #ヴァンナチュール #おうちごはん #おうちバル #おうち居酒屋 #おうち飲み #おつまみ #お手頃ワイン #お酒 #お酒好き #かんたんレシピ #サカラバ #ズボラレシピ #ズボラ料理 #ズボラ飯 #ソムリエ #ソムリエおすすめ #ナチュラルワイン #レシピ #ワイン #ワイン初心者 #ワイン好き #ワイン飯 #安旨ワイン #家飲み #家飲みレシピ #料理 #料理動画 #生きたワイン #酒好き女子
Natural wine chosen for Notre-Dame Cathedral’s reopening via @Decanter #wine #naturalwine #NotreDame #NotreDamedeParis #wineworldnews
El carbonero 2023 de Verónica Romero Viticultora #naturalwine #orange @asvasuvalencia Destellos anaranjados. Cierta turbidez. Nariz intensa, corteza de naranja, miel, compota de manzana, silex, anisados. En boca el ataque es bueno, con cierto volumen de de acidez, suaves amargos, algo secante. Persistente.
El romano 2023 de Vino Sexto Elemento #orange #naturalwine @asvasuvalencia Dorado pálido, Nariz con ligera reducción, fruta blanca fresca, vegetal, miel ligera, un fondo más maduro (compota de manzana), mineral salino. En boca el ataque es bueno, cierta cremosidad, fresco, suave tanicidad, bien de acidez, suaves amargos y bastante longitud. #wine #vino
Bought this just because the label made me laugh, but it's actually quite good! Moscato bianco from Lazio, Italy. Definitely very natural, with a bit of barnyard aroma and all, but goes down smooth and is enjoyable on a warm evening like today (why is it still warm though?!)
Really impressed with this Spätburgunder from Wasenhaus (two young German winemakers, Christoph Wolber & Alex Götze, based in Baden).
It's got it all: lightness of touch, juicy dark fruits, lowish alcohol (12%), firm structure, that lovely aromatic character.
Best of all, after 2 days open in the fridge, the last glass was great.
Fun fact, Christoph has a brother Bastien who makes wine in Volnay.
All three cut their teeth working for seminal French estates.
Playing records at Otherworld! I've got a mix of groovy soul and disco steppers that you're not going to want to miss. Get a glass of vino and hang with me on 9/14 Saturday night. See you there #seattle #naturalwine #house #dj #vinyl
Embrace the simplicity and authenticity of natural wines. Fermented with love and minimal intervention. While these wines can be a bit unpredictable and might not last as long, they are perfect for anyone looking for a genuine, unfiltered wine experience that connects you straight to the vineyard.
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Today's on
"Thou shalt covet thy neighbor's fruit" (re ) is on the numerous handcraft wineries from outside the region now flocking to Lodi for its distinctive quality and diversity of fruit. #lodiwine #lodiwinecountry #naturalwine #handcraftwine
Back to Japanese wines tonight: this time it's one by a producer I actually met at a wine fair recently: 2021 In Amphora Fermented on Skin by Francois Dumas, a 100%Delaware.
Aromatic, with very pronounced cotton candy and some stone fruit hiding behind it. On the palate not as sweet as the aroma would suggest, offering peach, rasberry, some minerality supported by just the right amount of bitterness and pleasant acidity. Really nice on a hot summer evening!
Today's bottle is quite unusual, not just because it's ceramic. It's a 100% Gewurtzraminer orange wine from Bulgaria: 2021 Rossidi Nikolaevo.
On the nose it's quite aromatic, with orange peel and spiced marmalade. On the palate it gives orage peel again, stone fruit, surprising minerality reminiscent of sea water, tea-like tannins and a long, pleasant, if a bit sweet aftertaste. Very nice!
Still not on the Label - What do the EU's new labelling regulations mean for natural wine? #winelabel #wine #naturalwine
Today's wine is another one from my favorite producer in Nagano Prefecture - Votano Wine. 2021 Seba Bianco - a blend of different grapes depending on the year. This one is 61% Koshu and 39% Sauv Blanc.
Nose is a bit subdued, with sweet orange and dust. Palate is really smooth, offering the same sweet orange, peach, some caramel, tea-like tannins and a surprising alcoholic warmth, even though it's only 12%. Very good on a hot summer evening like today!