Book Review: The Persians is a rich portrayal of Iranian history with rebellious women and demanding prose #author #BookReview #Conflicts #HindustanTimes #htcity #Iran #novel #ThePersians
Book Review: The Persians is a rich portrayal of Iranian history with rebellious women and demanding prose #author #BookReview #Conflicts #HindustanTimes #htcity #Iran #novel #ThePersians
#CurrentlyReading on this #WorldBookDay :
Long Island Compromise by Taffy Brodesser-Akner
How Carl Fletcher's kidnapping in the 80s affected his family.
It constantly makes me think of Arrested Development (I should rewatch that), but I'm not finding it as engaging.
#PennedPossibilities 606 — Is your MC keeping any secrets? Can you tell us more without giving away any spoilers?
All of them do. Their secrets are revealed in the course of the story. Earlier for some, later for others. By the end of the novel series, the reader knows. Until then, there are no spoilers.
“This #book is a response to the self-image of #Jews as scholarly #sages — not fantasy #warriors or #heroes — and an invitation to broaden our understanding of what it means to be a #Jew.”
So says J.S. Gold, author of the uniquely illuminating #novel The Sanhedrin Chronicles, a modern #fantasy where ancient #Hebrew #mysticism comes alive on the streets of #NewYork.
The #author adds, “Taken a step further, all good fantasy fiction uses the particular to illuminate the universal. The story considers identity through a uniquely #Jewish lens, but it’s by no means limited to the Jewish experience.”
DELIGHTFULLY WITTY, THOUGHTFUL, and beautifully observed romantic comedy of manners combines a great (and twisty!) plot, some sharp satire of Hollywood in the age of social media, lovely family moments, and some spicy, steamy scenes. A MINUS
The Land Beyond the Seas – Michael J Lansdown #Preview #Novel #Australia
Free Reading Wednesday: Princess Myrandae and the City of Tomorrow 1x02 “Fear Is The Mindkiller” Week 2
I’m writing novels like TV shows, a new chapter every month in 4 weekly 8-12 page sub-chapters! All free, no pay wall! Subscribe for free to get it all in your inbox and show me your support.
Today in Labor History March 5, 1917: Members of the IWW went on trial in Everett, Washington for the Everett Massacre, which occurred on November 5, 1916. In reality, they were the victims of an assault by a mob of drunken, vigilantes, led by Sheriff McRae. The IWW members had come to support the 5-month long strike by shingle workers. When their boat, the Verona, arrived, the Sheriff asked who their leader was. They replied, “We are all leaders.” Then the vigilantes began firing at their boat. They killed 12 IWW members and 2 of their own, who they accidentally shot in the back. Before the killings, 40 IWW street speakers had been taken by deputies to Beverly Park, where they were brutally beaten and run out of town. In his “USA” trilogy, John Dos Passos mentions Everett as “no place for the working man.” And Jack Kerouac references the Everett Massacre in his novel, “Dharma Bums.”
#workingclass #LaborHistory #IWW #everett #massacre #policebrutality #vigilante #strike #union #police #policemurder #FreeSpeech #kerouac #dosassos #hisfic #novel #literature #writer #author #books @bookstadon
While this is science fiction, it feels closer to political fiction as Robinson maps a possible path to tackling climate change. I have some reservations on the form, but the substance is compulsory reading in my opinion. #novel #scifi #climate
My novel is coming out in a few months. So I'd like to get the community's opinion on something before I accidentally start marketing it or myself as something we're not.
It's being traditionally published, but by a tiny new indie press.
Does that make me an indie author?
The latest chapter in my novel Songbird features Great Marlborough Street and the Marlborough Street Magistrates Court (pictured, Wikipedia), which has played host to a number of famous people over the years including Oscar Wilde, John Lennon, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Johnny Rotten and Christine Keeler. Charles Dickens also worked there, as a reporter.
When a family member goes terribly, terribly wrong - but there's no choice, you love them and you have to continue...
#Novel #indieauthor #motherhood #books #bookstodon
Este libro es tan indescriptible como buenísimo
My book of the month: Kunzru, Hari: Red Pill, Liebeskind 2021
#novel #reading #bookstodon #literature
At least I'm sure I'm doing one of these
@reading @bookstodon @bookbubble @humour
#The #Six #Horsemen #Of #Wholesomeness
#ReadingMemes #Memes #ReadAllTheBooks #Humor #Humour
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#Recommendation #Bookrecommendation
#Bookwyrm #Bookworm #Bookstodon #BookLove #BoostingIsSharing
It's time to take a closer look at Jordan Donovan, one of, if not the most important character in my novel. The world of Nyika shapes him like a unrefined gem.
Love’s Register – Leslie Tate #Preview #Novel