Mika<p>I think it's only right that after neglecting <a href="https://sakurajima.social/tags/NierReplicant" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">#NierReplicant</a> for so long, and I've finally committed to complete it and making good progress so far (finishing Route C), that afterwards I should continue my <a href="https://sakurajima.social/tags/TOTK" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">#TOTK</a> playthrough and finish that first before moving to other games... no matter how tempting it is to start playing <a href="https://sakurajima.social/tags/MetalGearRisingRevengeance" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">#MetalGearRisingRevengeance</a> - cos I miss <a href="https://sakurajima.social/tags/PlatinumGames" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">#PlatinumGames</a> games that much (namely, <a href="https://sakurajima.social/tags/NierAutomata" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">#NierAutomata</a><span>).<br><br>TOTK is just SO daunting to finish, </span><a href="https://sakurajima.social/tags/BOTW" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">#BOTW</a> had a lot of freedom and took a while for me to finish it in a satisfying way, but TOTK is just... a whole different level that it's actually insanely <i>intimidating</i> to even thought of finishing, without missing anything. I almost never go thru the main quest line whenever I play TOTK cos there's just so much to do and I'm the type to leave the "main course" for last lol. I'm not even gonna talk about <a href="https://sakurajima.social/tags/EldenRing" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">#EldenRing</a><span> - that one I feel I've to just restart from scratch despite having progressed a fair bit, simply bcos I know I've prolly only completed less than a quarter of it, and I already forgot how to play it.<br><br>I loved Elden Ring, it was my first </span><a href="https://sakurajima.social/tags/FromSoftware" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">#FromSoftware</a> and Souls-like game in general and there's something satisfying about the game despite it feeling so gloomy and sorrowful at times - the only thing I don't quite like abt it is how "slow" you move, never been a big fan of games where controlling your character feels like controlling a tank (i.e. <a href="https://sakurajima.social/tags/MonsterHunter" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">#MonsterHunter</a> games).</p>