24th of March 2025
168.1 GWh solar power
15.4% of all generated power
All data for Germany
24th of March 2025
168.1 GWh solar power
15.4% of all generated power
All data for Germany
Die nachhaltigste Animation des Morgens. Selbst nach 5 Jahren gucke ich immer gerne morgens in die Statistik. Hat so etwas von Dagobert Duck.
Leading African Nations in New Solar Installations #EastAfrica #NorthAfrica #SouthernAfrica #WestAfrica #African #Installations #leading #nations #solar
Yesterday, a #Solar battery saved @edent@mastodon.social £1.45 by using 4.13kWh of stored electricity.
Total battery savings since August 2023: £715.25
2,148 kWh
FAQ: https://shkspr.mobi/blog/solar-faq/
"The Bishan testing facility in Chongqing, ... is already fine-tuning the radio wave transmission technology needed to transmit #solar energy from orbit to Earth."
Solar power is so cheap that Texas's "free-market" approach favors solar, wind, and increasingly also storage (utility-scale batteries!) above fossil power sources.
For more, read: How States Like Texas Are Driving the Clean Energy Boom in the Trump Era
Texas passed California in total solar power installations last year.
That isn't because of federal policy. The IRA helps California's solar developers as much as Texan ones.
It also isn't because Texas offers such amazing state-level incentives. Quite the opposite.
https://virginiamercury.com/2025/03/24/youngkin-vetoes-minimum-wage-hike-prescription-affordability-board-bills/ Unfortunately the popular bipartisan #solar legislation I talked about before has been vetoed. #VALeg #zoning #ParkingReform
East/South East (8x 400w panels) panels generated
7.0 kWh
West/North (6x 400w panels) panels generated
7.7 kWh
Solar generated 14.7 kWh
Solcast forecasted 14.26 kWh
Imported from the grid 14.6
kWh - Cost (inc standing charge) £2.43p
Exported 0.3 kWh - Exported
gain £0.04p
16.9 kWh went into the battery
Battery used 7.1 kWh
House consumed 17.5 kWh
Electricity cost for the day at 9pm (minus is a profit) £2.38p
Of course I couldn't leave it alone, have added the energy distribution card and found a visualisation for my solar arrays. I promise I'll stop messing now... maybe
Lust auf #Solar?
In #Freiburg gibt es am kommenden Wochenende noch einige Plätze in Solar Selbstbau Workshops!
Alles wird erklärt und du gehst mit einem fertigen #Steckersolargerät heim.
Anmeldung: https://balkon.solar/mooswald
I just called Gov Newsom's office and my state reps about the Governor's request to break our solar panel contract. I'm new at calling, and kind of phobic, but I'm going to get over it now.
#california #gavinnewsom #solar #workingfamilies #activism
Renewables spurred by geopolitical upheaval, can help prevent conflict – IRENA
https://www.cleanenergywire.org/news/renewables-spurred-geopolitical-upheaval-can-help-prevent-conflict-irena #windpower #solar #PV
VoltaX & Elfta Elektromesse in Stuttgart 25 bis 27.3.25 einige der wenigen Energie Veranstaltung mit eigenen Flughafen, Autobahn und ÖPNV Anschluss. Thema Sektor Kopplung Zentral der Stromspeicher Akku oder Wasserstoff und wir setzte ich die erzeuge Energie sinnvoll ein? #voltaX #elfta #messe #stuttgart #solar #simon #solarstrom #speicher #energiemanagement #photovoltaik #h2 #wasserstoff #60% #kappung #stromspitzengesetz
Hätte ich ehrlich gesagt bei dem heutigen Wetter nicht vermutet.
#photovoltaik #pv #solar
China’s 2024 edition of its annual #CSP Blue Book is published
Im #Marktstammdatenregister sind aktuell 1995 aktive Anlagen in #Heidelberg mit einer Leistung kleiner 0,9 Watt Nennleistung für #Solar #Energie gemeldet.
Solcast forecast for today (South East 4x400w panels) -
4.19 kWh
Solcast forecast for today (East 4x400w panels) -
2.14 kWh
Solcast forecast for today (West North 6x400w panels) -
7.95 kWh
Solcast forcasting a total of 14.2892 kWh
Roof wont take solar? Build a carport out of it
#youtube #tech #solar #solarpower #energy