"Whether oaks succeed in this slow-motion migration — and eventually grace new landscapes with their noble, carbon-sequestering, shelter-providing, wildlife-nourishing presence — will be a function of countless encounters between a mouse or a vole and an acorn."
My latest, on personality and forest regeneration: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/25/science/climate-forests-seeds-mice.html
So many small joys in writing this. One of them: presenting deer mice — creatures typically vilified as Lyme disease vectors or grudgingly accepted because other, better animals like to eat them — as equal members of life's community, whose stories shape the forest.
@9brandon Loved this piece, especially the focus on animal personalities. Nature is so much richer, so much more nuanced, that we in our arrogance imagine.
@simonpayn Thank you!
For sure.
@9brandon great stuff. Congrats.
@9brandon ah - i was just randomly wondering whether #mousetodon was a thing and so glad i did, because it brought me to this great piece!
@pvonhellermannn Thank you! And glad to be of service. Maybe someday #mousetodon will stand proudly beside #mosstodon
@9brandon @pvonhellermannn oh yes I will follow that tag, yes I will.
@9brandon @pvonhellermannn Maybe a Deer Mouse on moss will help #Mousetodon and #Mosstodon come together.
@Lucky188 @pvonhellermannn Perfection!