Boobies, tits, swallows, woodcocks, tit-tyrants, redbreasts, woodpeckers, peacocks, bush warblers, cockatoos, toucans…
All I’m saying is the people who name birds have some issues.
@AmishSuperModel But they'd make great Mastadonians!
OK, but which tits were named after which? Which were first?
@AmishSuperModel DICKCISSEL
@AmishSuperModel when you realize that all birdsong you hear is nothing but birds screaming to each other for sex...
People naming birds are being kind to the feathered sex fiends.
@AmishSuperModel My favorite is bushtits. Because they're so stinking cute--little gray puffballs--but with such a rude name.
And of course, bird spotters recognize birds by their jizz....
@AmishSuperModel 'toucans' lol
I absolutely love those English bird names. Fabulous
We don't have similar names in German, our birds mostly have normal or boring names.
What we do have though is a Rammler. That is a male bunny and it means - yeah, it fits - constant f*cker.
Other than that... German dogs' tails are called Rute meaning rod or route. So there we are.
@AmishSuperModel All I'm saying is - you have a dirty mind!
@AmishSuperModel My wife likes Wood Pigeons, but I prefer the real thing.
@AmishSuperModel @Thatmermaid_J Bird dogs appear to be horndogs.
@Thatmermaid_J @AmishSuperModel are the people that name birds horny or something? it sure looks like it.
@AmishSuperModel I teach high school and will often put Youtube bird feeder live cams on my screen while kids work. Have to hide the chat because the kids lose it when they read the bird names.