Empowering Choice: Firefox Partners with Qwant for a Better Web
Has anyone here used Qwant? I’ve seen it mentioned a handful of times but I’ve not tried it myself.
I had used it for a while in the past. The results were surprisingly good. I have moved to other search engines to experiment since then, but I have nothing bad to say about my time with Qwant.
Which search engines do you use now?
Brave Search currently, but I am still in the experimenting and search engine-hopping phase. Henceforth, Brave Search is not my final search engine, either.
Interesting. Which other ones have you tried? I’d be interesting in hearing what you thought of all of them!
I was trying Kagi but I’m put off it now that they’re partnering with Brendan Eich. I don’t think I’d use Brave search, for the same reason.
@dan I see, what's the problam with Brendan Eich, is he the former Firefox CEO?
He was only CEO for 11 days and was essentially forced out due to homophobic comments and funding proposals for banning gay marriage. He also spread misinformation about COVID-19. There’s a thread in Kagi’s forum about it here: kagifeedback.org/d/…/16 and a Mastodon post here: chaos.social/@scy/111704636274463611
@dan Thanks for the context, I somehow completely missed there are user forums.
I realized, I've actually did read some things about Brendan in the past, but I haven't found any evidence of direct homophobic claims. Since I'm not a big fan of a cancel culture I don't want this to be deciding factor. If I find something shady about the Brave it's the whole crypto thing which is kinda forced upon the user. Brave itself blocks many things, but it's not that private to me inside it's own ecosystem.