PSA: In iOS 17, you can just long-press on the “+” icon to instantly access the Photos picker.
@ChanceHMiller pairs nicely with Settings → Accessibility → Touch → Haptic Touch → Fast
@ChanceHMiller But why did Apple not put the same shortcut in iPadOS ?
@ChanceHMiller Just noticed that lil animation that happens when you press and hold - pushes the button in and pulls the text box to the left. Love it
@ChanceHMiller @mikeash Quick question, is this documented or did you discover it by accident? There is lots of hidden UI in iOS and more keeps being added.
@jimluther @ChanceHMiller Gotta try long pressing everything and see what happens!
@mikeash @ChanceHMiller It would be better if there were a UI standard for tappable/pressable items on the screen. One style for regular text, one for tappable, and another for pressable. However, the UI team would change the look in every new version of the OS to keep us guessing.
@ChanceHMiller @brunoph I wish instead that you’d long press it to get the menu and that the photo picker was the default.