I interviewed Michelle Yeoh a few years ago about #StarTrekDiscovery and I mentioned offhand that I'd written an article about what seeing her use her accent on the bridge of a starship meant to me.
She stopped and said "Wait, that was YOU?"
And then proceeded to talk about how much that article had meant to HER and how it contributed to the success of the show.
I can't think about it without crying.
(The original article: https://authory.com/SwapnaKrishna/On-Star-Trek-Discovery-and-Michelle-Yeohs-accent-aa6d2eb01b3a24970abf406c39146df33)
She means SO MUCH to me, my captain, and to see her succeed like this is amazing and incredibly well deserved.
(The site I wrote the article for took down all their pre-2019 content, so that's a personal copy of it.)
@skrishna omg! Yes and thank you for that article!! I never thought anyone would come close to Stewart’s Picard but she DID and then some. She was so incredible in that show. I was absolutely smitten