Sea stacks at dusk on an Olympic National Park wilderness beach for #MeerMittwoch. #Hiking #WashingtonState #WashingtonCoast
@GPJohnston Lovely colors. That's a good one!
@BlurryBits This was on a brilliant January day after the sun set during a backpack trip, the colors were even better before it set.
@GPJohnston One can almost hear the sea #tranquility
@vlindervriendje it was a magical evening, got cold and dark fast though, it was wintertime.
@GPJohnston every time I see a rock like that with a few trees I imagine building a little cabin up there and just never coming down.
@intrepidhero great perch for whale and sunset watching! There’s a nearshore sea stack at Sand Point in the Ozette area that’s an easy climb, great place to just sit and look.
@GPJohnston I'm so thankful we the public have access to the entire Pacific-facing shore of the Olympic Peninsula. It's a treasure.
@tsupasat yep, we have access to virtually the entire Washington Coast. The major exception is the Quinault Reservation, which is exquisite, I think about 20 miles. I hiked quite a bit of it when the tribe issued beach passes, but they don’t anymore.