It's lunchtime and also time to think and plan about my weekend retro project.
Here's my Commodore Amiga 600 motherboard, I have a repair to make, but as a challenge, can any of you eagle eyed folks spot what's wrong?
Congrats to everyone who saw the issue I've got to repair, no hard drive fun without these:
1 hour later and it's out! I think I used about 100cm of braid, jeez that was not fun!
It still boots, that's always good to know!
I just need to wait until the weekend for the new header and some time to prep a compact flash card.
I finally have the parts to finish my Commodore Amiga 600 repair, three weeks I've waited on the Amiga Kit!
Happy Friday folks, I hope your week went well and get to do some chilling at the weekend!?
My first Retro job for my weekend is to fix this Commodore Amiga 600: new IDE port install, let's freakin' go......
Well, it's soldered in, the question is, did I destroy my A600, will it explode, or will it work!?
Only one way to find out!
If it explodes, please don't judge me, I did my best, risk it for a biscuit and all that!
Heck Yes, it works, it booted straight off the CF card!
*Excuse me while I do a little dance*
After having a frankly shitty day today, I'm finally having a bit of time to do some fun stuff. Installing WB 3.1 on the 4GB CF:
When I was a kid I owned an Amiga 500, my whole experience was booting from disks to play games. I've realised I'm clueless when it comes to how Amiga's file structure and OS works. I've decided to research and read, start from scratch, partition and format a CF and get it going:
I bought a pre-flashed CF from Amiga Kit, but I've decided not to use it and set everything up on my own. So far I've partitioned, formatted and installed WB 3.1 - it's now booting from the CF card, a good start.
Now I need to get: installer, lha, Directory Opus installed!
So I've made some serious progress, I've installed:Lha
Directory Opus
All working perfectly, I'd advise anyone who's not done this before (like myself), to go back to basics, install everything yourself, including partitioning and installing Workbench.
I also found out how to edit icon files, and made some for my two main partitions:
While messing around, I discovered that the A600's keyboard LED modules connector isn't great!
1/2) Tip that might help someone using a CF on an Amiga 600:
My first try of loading a WHDLoad game, I got this error: fails with "loadres_LoadKick" with "invalid kickstart image".
It worked perfectly in WinUAE, but not on real hardware, I was scratching my head about it.
2/2) Grab and install this:
Edit your partitions (won't damage the data), change the Maxtransfer settings to: 0x1FE00
This is the "transfer block size." and it should sort your WHDLoad from CF card issue out! ,
Loading a WHDLoad game, exited to now load this up with games and have some fun!
Commodore Amiga 600
2MB Chipram (1MB upgrade)
4MB Fastram
4GB Compact Flash (via IDE interface)
I managed to find an extra long ide cable (for 2.5" drives), this will now allow me to add more stuff easily and also prevent me from damaging the keyboard LED panel cables again.
I decided to test the 15 floppy disk: Beneath a Steel Sky on WHDLoad as I wanted to see if it could cope, it's one of the biggest ones for this type of Amiga and it works a treat!
I need to make a list of my favourite games now and load it up!
@Gammitin kinda looks like it's cardbus and not PCMCIA?
@Gammitin Till pretty cool I want one, what is the model?
@kiwa it's actually Cardbus and PCMCIA, it has a switch on the side to turn it into 16-bit mode.
@kiwa FYI Kiwa - Sony ACR-A01 (adapter) with a CRX85A (drive).
@Gammitin if you can get hold of it and you're running a new enough version of amigaos/workbench, definitely consider getting directoryopus installed on there! Makes my life so much easier on my amigaforever install
@Gammitin Absolutely no use to you but I'm about to replace my A1200 disk drive with a GEOTEK, so I'm following. (I'm sure it's not that, but I notice the image file ends .a500 rather than .a600 and I heard some A500 games don't run on an A600?)
@sashabilton there are some incompatibility issues with older games, even the stock A500+ struggled with 1.3 games. But there's usually ways around it, Relokick (floppy solution) and WHDload for a HDD solution.
@Gammitin You don't need HDInstTools to change MaxTransfer. In fact, it can cause problems if you change the drive with HDInstTool if you originally partitioned it with HDToolBox and vice-versa.
@chainq how do you change it with the default WB 3.1 HDToolbox, I couldn't find away after you had already partitioned your drive?
@Gammitin I wrote it down in my other reply to your previous post. That procedure will 100% work in original C= 3.1 HDToolBox.
@Gammitin If you have original C= ROMs, go to HDToolBox, and make sure your your "MaxTransfer" value is 0x1fe00 or less, >> for each partition <<.
1. Select a Partition
2. enable [x] Advanced Options
3. click on Change...
4. in the MaxTransfer field, change the value to 0x1fe00
5. PRESS ENTER ON THE FIELD otherwise it won't be remembered!
6. Click OK
7. Repeat for all partitions
8. Save changes to the drive
It's a workaround for an issue in the old driver for modern IDE and solid state drives.
@Gammitin Shoot, sorry, I did not read your post properly, and I did not understand that you were already going to offer a solution.