@GottaLaff 'malicious compliance' =)
@GottaLaff sets such a good precedent for others to follow
@StephanieMoore The EU did that years ago, the UK is also considering doing that for a while.
I guess Harley Davidson and the Whiskey industry are in for a ride again.
@GottaLaff Living as I do now in #Tennessee which is one of the reddest of red states this is not comforting to read, though I can’t help but agree with the idea.
@GottaLaff A *lot* of stuff is made in right-to-work states where wages are lower. Maybe they should just #LookForTheUnionLabel
@AlgoCompSynth A friend pointed out to me that in the #LookForTheUnionLabel song, there's a classic New Yorkism: "We run the house and work hard but **who's complainin**". As a New Yorker myself, I never thought the line was colloquial at all.
@tobie1 @AlgoCompSynth I didn't realize that until right now too!
@GottaLaff Thank You for the gift link
They should also implement @pluralistic 's idea of a competing app store...
IT organizations already relocate to Canada because health care for women isn't restricted by misogynists nor businesses burdened by murderous health insurers...
Canada has lower liability insurance rates because it has real gun safety laws & a high vaccination acceptance.
@Npars01 @GottaLaff @pluralistic Yes, please do this, Canada. I would like to *not* have software I don't want uploaded to my phone without my permission. I would like to * not* receive emails every day nagging me to " sign into my Microsoft account" when I have zero intention.of signing into any Microsoft acvount ever.
Target Kentucky distilleries. That alone nearly got McConnell & Rand Paul booted by their donors.
Coca-Cola, AT&T, Meta, Starlink, Uline, Apple, Walmart, Tesla, -- all Trump's donors deserve tariffs.
I almost want the Canadian government to buy ads in these Red States just to educate Trump supporters.
I don't really for two reasons:
1.) It would be a waste of Canadian taxpayer money.
2.) These Trump supporters are beyond educating.
@GottaLaff Will this political power last long enough to withstand this struggle? What's next?
Dec 30th was a long time ago.
Trump has unified the entire nation and no elections will be held until this is settled.
It'd be a disaster for every one.
@tabernac @GottaLaff Of course, I purposely didn't cut out the date to be able to navigate the data. And much will depend on the unity or disunity of society in the future.
I don't know what's going on anymore in Canada...ah well...
@GottaLaff good and same
@GottaLaff ............i hate my country...........(its the usa)
@GottaLaff that’s wild. Go, Canada!
@GottaLaff I think I’ll help that along by not buying goods from Red States either.
This form of retaliation has been practised before. It is allowable under the rules of the World Trade Organisation so long as it is proportionate and has worked well in the recent past.
Great, kick them in the butt, thats the attitude!
@GottaLaff if you have to have tariffs ...
@GottaLaff a really good idea
@GottaLaff I love Canadians!
@GottaLaff In visiting Quebec last year, I got the impression that they were badly served by having vehicle choices set by the US market. The number of old, small cars suggested that they were locked in to vehicles larger and more thirsty than they would pick otherwise. Maybe the best strike Canada could make against US tariffs would be to unilaterally permit any vehicle meeting EU standards to be sold there.
With Quebec's cheap hydro power, this would also provide them a lot more EV choices.