How do you feel about the US university occupations and encampments in support of Gaza?
@evan The lack of Hamas opposition perplexes me.
@Grant_M Do you think that a protest encampment at Columbia University is a good way to put pressure on Hamas to release the hostages? I don't think the university has a lot of investments in Hamas-related companies, but maybe that should be added to the list of demands for disclosure and divestment.
@evan I think it will show that the protestors do not support Hamas which will in turn increase wider support for the protests.
@Grant_M @evan while I don't have a particularly favorable view towards the Hamas, but the fact stands that they have made offers to return the hostages and Israel has refused them
throw in
if you ask me it looks like a classic fascist takeover where Netanyahu was taking more unchecked power for himself then allowed the Hamas attack so people would be scared and then he can be the big strong leader and hold onto his position as he tightens his grasp