The “party of law and order” tried like hell to cover up underage sex trafficking and rampant drug abuse to put a criminal in charge of the Justice Department, at the command of a president-elect who is himself a convicted criminal and adjudicated rapist.
Just thought I’d mention that. Seems bad.
@Green_Footballs Always reminded of this “Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”
@scooter @Green_Footballs Often referred to as Wilhoits law and is mis-atributed by many apparently.
"invest 1 billion$ in any of my companies and you will never worry about the law again" - Trump's first order
Sheldon Whitehouse on The Last Word a while ago:
“Matt Gaetz’ only experience of criminal investigations is being the subject of one.”
@Green_Footballs even ironically, the GOP shouldn’t be given that moniker anymore. They are more like a syndicate; you know the kind I mean.
We’ll look back on these as happy times.
@Green_Footballs "law and order" was always a euphemism for arresting and enslaving black people
Thank you for your post.
Was there ever any doubt how bad trump really is? Unfortunately, not.