These comments are horrible and uneducated.
#Zionism, however, is not all that easy and uncontested, even among #Jews themselves:
"Advocates of the #Zionist movement see it as an important effort to offer refuge to persecuted minorities and reestablish settlements in #Israel. Critics, however, say it’s an extreme ideology that discriminates against non-Jews...
In fact, I have heard several first-hand reports of how the #Jewish...
...government discriminates against non-#Jews and gives way more rights and economic benefits to #Settlers (I don't want to introduce the "A-word," however a lot of historic parallels could be drawn to pre-#Mandela #Africa and the #Boers...)
Furthermore, I learned about the repercussions that even "mixed" couples are experiencing from this policy.
I'd say, finding a place of refuge, a homestead for the Jews who seem to have been persecuted...
...throughout history (the Bible and Torah are no unbiased sources,) are perfectly reasonable goals. Taking the #Shoah (the #Holocaust) into consideration and, in particular, the role governments around the globe had in preventing that catastrophe by allowing more immigration, the world has a special obligation towards the Jews. (#TheUSAndTheHolocaust by #KenBurns*)
This, however, does not entail allowing the ult-right government...
...of Israel to discriminate against the non-#Jewish population or even allow new #JewishSettlements. The #Palestinians did not play any relevant part in the Shoah, so they must not bear the brunt if any kind of "damages."
Many international Jews also disapprove of the movement
because they don’t believe a national homeland is essential to their religion."