Landed near Los Angeles, California, United States. Apx. flt. time 3 h 5 min.
1,242 mile (1,079 NM) flight from AUS to LAX
~ 1,553 gallons (5,879 liters).
~ 10,408 lbs (4,721 kg) of jet fuel used.
~ $8,696 cost of fuel.
~ 16 tons of CO2 emissions.
@elonjet how does that compare to a typical SpaceX launch of another batch of Starlink datellites?
#Emissions #GlobalWatming #CarbonFootprint #SpaceTourism
Cannot be answered correctly yet, but...
"As a ballpark, one researcher has suggested that per person, a #space #tourism flight is 50-100 times worse for the atmosphere than a long-distance #plane flight."
"This is compounded by the altitude the gases are emitted at – a recent preprint (not peer-reviewed) study suggests that...
#Emissions #GlobalWatming #CarbonFootprint #SpaceTourism
...0.22% of the upper #stratospheric #ozone could be lost from three years of space tourism, which could “substantially offset” the progress done by the #MontrealProtocol.