Mensch in Chief
President #Biden: "I'm extremely proud of my son, Hunter. He has overcome an addiction. He's one of the brightest, most decent men I know."
He says he will "abide by the jury's decision."
Biden did not attack the justice system or the outcome of the trial.
Didn't know you knew German, Laffy.
I agree.
@HistoPol it's not German, though.
Sure, it's the same word as the German word for human, but it's not used that way in German. This meaning and usage is specifically from Jiddisch, and came from there into English.
Laffy is still ill, so NFL
Ok, if it is Jiddisch, what does it mean, if not "Human Being?"
I do speak German, and the wordplay, Commander in Chief (Oberbefehlshaber [der Streitkräfte]) and "Mensch in Chief" (I presume,) was quite nice.
It would only not work in German, because the "in chief" doesn't exist. It is translated by the prefix "Ober-", which means "upper-" generally speaking but "supreme" in this context.
(And we don't want to make it sound like Nietsche' "Übermensch," 2)
@HistoPol good person, rather than just human.
A mensch/mentsh is specifically a person with integrity and kindness, someone to look up to and emulate.
Edit: the wordplay works purely in English, indeed. And well, that's fine, because that's the language it was made in
Ein deutsches Äquivalent... Schwierig, es gibt keine gute Entsprechung für das "... in chief", und "Mensch" aus dem Jiddischen zu übernehmen geht auch schlecht, weil's ja schon besetzt ist.