Syrien: Russland zieht Truppen aus Syrien zurück
Gepostet in Video @video-ZEITONLINE
#GeoPol #MiddleEastWar #SyrianRevolution #History #Russia
*#Syria: The #Islamist tail wags the #Kremlin dog again:*
#Russia's military position in #Syria has become untenable: it has to withdraw its troops in a hurry.
This is reminiscent of the #Soviet flight from #Afghanistan in 1988/89, when the #mujahideen de facto forced the #RedArmee to flee from that country. OFC it was also termed a "withdrawal..."
#GeoPol #MiddleEastWar #SyrianRevolution #History #Russia
...back then, but it also left an important ally of the #Russian empire, then calked the #SovietUnion, without #Kremlin support forces.
Time and again the "Greater Middle East" proves to be a region that is too hot to handle for the impotent #Russian forces.
And once again, #Islamist rebels prove to be the death knell of the death knell of the #Kremlin's imperial...
#GeoPol #MiddleEastWar #SyrianRevolution #History #Russia
On the face of it, for now, #Putin is bound to lose the strategically important only Mediterranean naval base. In other regions, where the #Kremlin has stationed RF forces, the boot of the invader on the local people's neck might begin to feel a bit lighter, as in #Georgia, where a political coup by the #Russian...
Dubbed screenshot from #RussianTV
#GeoPol #MiddleEastWar #SyrianRevolution #History #Russia
...supported ruling party is strongly opposed by the people in the street.
In retrospect, the flight from #Afghanistan can be seen as strong evidence for the crumbling #Soviet empire. With hindsight, the #Syrian debacle might be a similar pivotal moment in time for the Kremlin regime of the #RussianFederation.
Arguably, #Russia's current economic situation might already be worse...
#GeoPol #MiddleEastWar #SyrianRevolution #History #Russia
...than the #SovietUnion's at the end of the First #ColdWar, hit by the aftermath of the #Chernobyl disaster. A crippling interest rate of 21%, intended to stifle rampant inflation and to prop up the #Kremlin's ailing currency , huge external debts (AFAIC mostly in Chinese RMB,) and the staggering cost of the #WarInUkraine could lead up to...
#GeoPol #MiddleEastWar #SyrianRevolution #History #Russia
...what several pundits have long expected: a breakup of the #RussianFederation.
Time will tell, but tathersooner than later, I guess.