@roadriverrail She really looks the same.
@KissAnne I actually must thank you. We've wondered for years what Germoe's heritage is (she was found in a recycling bin so we don't know where she came from). We'd assumed she was a Norwegian forest cat mix, but your alt text led us to do some reading and she's almost certainly Siberian.
@KissAnne What an amazing cutie. It's interesting because, as Germoe has gotten older, she seems to have grown out this really shaggy "winter fur" that never goes away. Here's one from maybe 7 years ago...compare to the puff she is in the previous picture!
@roadriverrail she is such a cutie
@KissAnne Thank you so much for an excellent thread exchanging cat pictures. This is truly what the Fedi is for.
@roadriverrail You're welcome. Thank you for you too. What is Fedi?
@KissAnne Ah, it's short for "Fediverse" (which is short for "federated universe"), it's basically the backbone a number of different social media applications run on. Mastodon is one of them and the most famous, but there are others, too, such as ones for music sharing or for video sharing.
@roadriverrail aaah! Thanks for explaining. My native language is Finnish so sometimes I need to ask what people mean.
@KissAnne Not a problem! I'm happy to see you here on this cozy social network!
@roadriverrail Thank you. So nice to get to know people like you.